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What Fabrics are Better for Sensitive Skin?

As we grow, we start to become more in touch with our bodies. We start to realize things about ourselves and what we prefer. We realize what’s best for us and how to make our lives simpler day by day.

Most of those decisions are based on our appearance but there’s another decision some have to make and that is what fabric feels best on them.

Housing our skin in the best fabric for us is definitely important but the issue is knowing which fabric is best for us when ordering custom embroidery.

When it comes to choosing which fabrics are best, a tip would be to stay away from synthetic fibers like nylon and polyester. These fibers aren’t as breathable and can cause irritation and discomfort.

1.) Cotton

Whether organic or recycled, cotton is perfect for sensitive skin. It is breathable, comfortable, and strong.

Organic cotton is grown without any man-made pesticides and it is non-GMO, which means it’s perfect for the environment.

This fabric also helps to naturally regulate the temperature of the body so you aren’t feeling too hot or too cold. Perfect for different climates.

2.) Linen

This fabric is useful in many ways as it is durable, resistant, and rigid.

It can be used for both men's and women’s clothes and is almost 3 times stronger than cotton.

Linen is perfect for sensitive skin as it prevents the skin from dampening, it is breathable and quick-drying.

It is a very soft and lightweight fabric which is why it is considered a luxurious fabric and a great choice for high-end garments.

3.) Hemp

Hemp is one of the oldest fibers known to man and has been used for thousands of years.

This fabric is perfect for sensitive skin as it is hypoallergenic and antibacterial. It is also a natural plant fiber and biodegradable.

Clothes that have been made with hemp are perfect for those with skin allergies as it’s a material that is less likely to cause an allergic reaction and prevent infections and inflammation.

Just like the fabrics above, hemp is comfortable, breathable, soft, and lightweight yet it is pretty durable. An excellent choice for your next custom embroidered shirt or sweater.

4.) Silk

This fabric is known for being perfect for dress clothes and bedding because it is a cool material. Not only cool as in popular but also temperature regulating.

Silk is smooth to the touch, it is hypoallergenic and is tightly woven to decrease the skin’s loss of moisture.

Quite honestly, who doesn’t like silk?

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Now that we know which materials are best, let’s choose the perfect embroidery for you. When you’re ready, click Start Designing to send your idea.

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